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Production of two capsules on one machine

Is it possible to pack two coffee capsules with one coffee capsule filling machine? Many customers have just entered this industry and have not decided to produce only one capsule, but the limited budget does not allow them to buy two fillings and sealing machines at first, so they want to know, can I produce two capsules on my first one machine?

First, let's learn the basic knowledge of:

What is a coffee capsule filling and sealing machine, and what does it do?

Expak focuses on designing a machine that can automatically load an empty cup, fill coffee powder and then place a lid and seal it, or online roll film cutting to package individual coffee capsules. After decades of development, it has evolved into automatic loading of empty cups, nitrogen injection, in-line weighing, and even in-line syrup solutions for making flavored coffee. Everything is available from initial packaging to overall packaging solutions, and this has been a very high automatic functioning system.

Now, can one machine produce two coffee capsules?

Yes, it is possible.
Ignoring other factors, at least one extra complete changeover tooling for the second capsule must be purchased. For example, if you mainly want to produce kcup, then the machine comes with the ready function for kcup production, and you want this same machine to produce Nespresso. You need to purchase one extra set of Nespresso changeover tooling for this machine.
Special notice: the main functions of one machine are confirmed, so you can only stick to the same type of sealing. Sometimes this causes a little problem. For example, a popular type of kcup production is the precut lid, while Nespresso capsules are online film roll cut and seal.
So when you want to produce these two capsules, you can only choose one of the types, and two capsules can only be under the same mode. We say this is a little problem because this could cause you not to be at the best of two capsules; for example, your priority is kcup, so the machine is customized upon kcup, which is the precut lid place the lid and seal type. And for Nespresso, you have to use the pre-cut lid and seal; without the continuous roll film online, cutting the seal has a higher efficiency benefit.

What are machine models able to produce two capsules?

Considering the complicated design of bigger machines of our multi-lane models, only the small machines such as entrance models: single-row linear models, and the single-row rotary model, can accept two capsules.
  1. These two machines are relatively simpler in structure, and the possibility and complexity of replacing molds are relatively low.
  2. The machine has a quick changeover feature design as the original concept when these machines are designed.
Professional advice: it is not recommended to use one machine for two capsules; why?
Let's compare their pros and cons.

Advantages of one machine for two purposes:

1. Cost Considerations: Machine Cost and Logistics Cost

The most important thing is the cost of the machine. For most starters, two kinds of capsules can be made with a relatively entry-level, cost-effective model.

2. Limited Workshop Space

One machine saves space; maybe you don't have a big workshop to place two machines, then this changeover tooling makes it possible for a second product. Even our entry-level is a 5 CBM machine.

3. Related Costs: Logistics, Electricity, and Gas Consumption
The logistics market is high, so it is cheaper to ship one machine instead of two.
For electricity and gas consumption, although the connection of electricity and gas to the machine is very simple because EXPAK is based on the convenience of customers, the machine standard is originally in the state of being connected and used. But the amount of consumption according to the actual situation. Suppose the current output of your air compressor is not enough to supply two machines at the same time. In that case, you must update the air compressor, make another investment, and purchase the nitrogen generator.

Disadvantages of one machine for dual use:

1. Tooling/Mold Replacement

The cost of time is high. When you need to change to the second type of cup, you need to replace the complete tooling mold of each workstation to adapt to the different cups. Then in the replacement process, first of all, time and for technicians familiar with this set of changing processes, it is over one hour plus testing, which we would say takes half day. When you are unfamiliar with the replacement process, it may take 2-3 times the time to complete, and after completion, continuous debugging is required to ensure stable operation.

2. Requirements for Skilled Technician Team

It is necessary and very important that you need a skilled mechanical team if you want to do this solution.
Besides the larger companies who hire professional mechanical maintenance teams, you may need a skilled technician to handle this process, or you know mechanical knowledge and could make it. Otherwise, you are not getting two capsules produced on the same machine, only getting none working on this one.

How to replace the changeover tooling? How is the whole process handled?

First, we need to know which parts need to be replaced.
  1. Cup Drop System (separator and loading tube)
  2. Filler System (the bottom of the auger and the tube and output nozzle)
  3. Cup Rim Edge Cleaning
  4. Filling Head
  5. Film Magazines or The Whole of the Winding and Cutting Device
  6. Second Heat Sealing Head (if you have one)
  7. Slot Belt Moulds (where the cup sits in the nest hole)
Want to know more about the replacement process and details? Please Contact Us by Email for A Quick Solution.

Conclusion and Summarize:

One machine for two coffee capsules seems nice, but only when the budget is insufficient, and those with the mechanical ability can consider it.
Otherwise, one capsule on each machine is a more reliable and long-term solution for most customers.

Publication Date: 8/18/2022


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Suzhou Expak Packaging Co., Ltd

Address: West Tower, #400 Suzhou Avenue East,
Suzhou Avenue, Suzhou Industrial Park,
Suzhou City,Jiangsu Province,

Tel: +86 13348026518


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